Friday, June 27, 2008

Obama's 2007 pledge to use public campaign financing if he became the Democratic nominee can now be filed away as yet another "that-was-then-this-is-now" promise in the situational world of politics.

What situation, you ask? Well, his money machine has proven itself eminently capable at truffling up huge sums of campaign cash --- the kind of moolah that will allow him to advertise and compete in states that otherwise are apparent locks for McCain. Meanwhile, Mister Campaign-Finance-Reform himself is stuck with his promise to stay on the public-funding dole, which limits him to "only" $84 million in general-election cash.

Obama claims the current laws governing campaign financing are "broken" (sorta like promises, hey?) and that he's simply engaging in a flanking maneuver that won't give the upper hand to special interest 527s operating outside the finanacing laws. One such outfit -- Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth -- did considerable damage to John Kerry's 2004 presidential bid.

On the other hand, though, Obama's decision might simply increase the volume and intensity of such 527 attacks

decision might simply increase the volume and intensity of such 527 attacks.

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